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Things to do in Africa, a continent bursting with spectacles, offers an array of breathtaking experiences that promise to enrich every traveler’s spirit. From the majestic pyramids of Giza to the vibrant markets of Marrakech, the list of things to do in Africa is as diverse as it is thrilling. Each destination invites you to immerse yourself in unique landscapes, rich history, and captivating cultures. Imagine navigating the historic Nile River, where each bend reveals stories older than time, or standing in awe at the foot of Victoria Falls, feeling the spray mist your face. These moments not only define a journey but transform the way we view our world.

The adventures are limitless, whether you’re trekking through the lush mountains to see the gorillas in Rwanda or relaxing on the pristine beaches of Zanzibar. The things to do in Africa encompass activities that cater to the adrenaline-seeker, the history enthusiast, and the nature lover alike. Experience the thrill of a safari in the Serengeti, witness the ancient wonders of Carthage, or soak in the panoramic views from atop Kilimanjaro. This guide is your passport to a journey filled with wonder, a journey that goes beyond the ordinary and into the heart of the most dynamic continent on Earth. Step into the adventure of a lifetime and discover the boundless beauty that Africa holds.

1. Things to Do in Africa: Explore the Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

Explore the Pyramids of Giza, Egypt
Explore the Pyramids of Giza, Egypt –

Exploring the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt stands out as a premier choice when compiling an exhaustive list of things to do in Africa. These timeless structures not only embody the zenith of ancient Egyptian architectural genius but also serve as portals to the bygone eras of pharaohs and their divine myths. Located on the outskirts of Cairo, the Giza pyramid complex, which includes the Great Pyramid of Giza, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the Sphinx, offers a fascinating glimpse into Egypt’s rich and mystic history. As you wander through these ancient monuments, you’ll be walking the same paths as historical figures, enveloped in an aura of mystery and grandeur that makes this one of the most unforgettable things to do in Africa.

2. Safari in the Serengeti, Tanzania

Embark on a quintessential wildlife adventure by taking a safari in the Serengeti, Tanzania. This legendary safari destination offers one of the most exhilarating things to do in Africa: witnessing the Great Migration. Each year, millions of wildebeest and zebra traverse the vast Serengeti plains in a spectacular display of natural wonder. This massive movement of wildlife is not only a testament to nature’s resilience and beauty but also provides unparalleled opportunities for up-close animal observations and stunning photographic moments. From the dramatic river crossings to the predatory interactions, a Serengeti safari delivers an unforgettable experience, making it a top highlight for any African adventure itinerary.
Read more:

3. Climb Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania ranks as one of the most inspiring things to do in Africa for anyone with a taste for adventure. Not just a physical challenge, this trek is a scenic voyage through dramatically shifting ecosystems. Starting in lush rainforests teeming with wildlife, climbers ascend through misty heath, stark alpine desert, and finally reach the icy summit, encountering unique flora and fauna along the way. Each zone offers its own unique beauty and challenges, making this climb much more than a mere ascent—it’s a full expedition right through the natural wonders of one of Africa’s most famous landmarks. Whether you’re an experienced hiker or a novice eager to tick a major achievement off your bucket list, Kilimanjaro promises an unforgettable journey and is a quintessential addition to any list of things to do in Africa.

4. Visit Victoria Falls, Zambia and Zimbabwe

Victoria Falls Guide: Delve into the Top 9 Must-Visit Attractions
Visit Victoria Falls, Zambia and Zimbabwe –

Experiencing the majestic Victoria Falls, located on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, is undeniably one of the most awe-inspiring things to do in Africa. Known locally as “The Smoke that Thunders,” this spectacular waterfall is one of the largest and most famous in the world, plunging a breathtaking 108 meters into the Zambezi Gorge. Visitors can expect to be mesmerized by the sheer volume and power of the falls, which create a mist that can be seen from miles away. Exploring the surrounding rainforest and catching the rainbow that often appears against the gorge’s cliffs enhances the enchanting experience. Truly, visiting Victoria Falls offers a unique opportunity to witness one of nature’s most powerful displays and should be a top priority for anyone seeking the quintessential African adventure.
Read more: Victoria Falls Guide: Delve into the Top 9 Must-Visit Attractions

5. Relax on the Beaches of Zanzibar, Tanzania

Relax on the Beaches of Zanzibar, Tanzania
Relax on the Beaches of Zanzibar, Tanzania –

Zanzibar, a jewel off the coast of Tanzania, offers more than the winding alleys and rich history of Stone Town. Its beaches, with their paradisiacal charm, are among the top things to do in Africa. Here, travelers can unwind on the pristine white sands and immerse themselves in the serenity of the turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean. Whether you’re sunbathing under swaying palm trees, diving among vibrant coral reefs, or enjoying a sunset dhow cruise, Zanzibar’s coastal allure is a quintessential African beach experience. This idyllic destination perfectly captures the essence of tropical luxury, making it a must-visit for anyone looking to relax and rejuvenate in a breathtaking setting.

6. Tour the Winelands of South Africa

Tour the Winelands of South Africa
Tour the Winelands of South Africa –

Exploring the Winelands near Cape Town ranks highly among the tastiest things to do in Africa, offering wine enthusiasts a delightful journey through rolling vineyards and historic estates. This region, celebrated for its breathtaking scenery and award-winning wines, invites visitors to taste world-renowned vintages and enjoy gourmet dining amidst the stunning backdrop of mountains and lush valleys. Touring the South African Winelands not only tantalizes the taste buds but also provides insight into the art of winemaking, making it a must-visit destination for anyone looking to indulge in some of the best things to do in Africa.

7. Trek to See Mountain Gorillas, Rwanda

Embarking on a trek to see the mountain gorillas in Rwanda’s dense forests stands out as a pinnacle adventure among the many things to do in Africa. This journey offers a profound connection with nature as you navigate through the misty habitats of these majestic creatures. Observing gorillas in their natural environment not only provides an intimate glimpse into their daily lives but also highlights the importance of conservation efforts in preserving such unique wildlife. This experience, exclusive to a few regions in Africa, promises both awe-inspiring moments and a deeper appreciation for the delicate balance of our ecosystem.

8. Explore the Dunes of Namibia

Exploring the striking red dunes of the Namib Desert is undoubtedly one of the most unique things to do in Africa. As some of the highest dunes in the world, they paint a breathtaking panorama that stretches across the horizon, offering adventurous travelers a surreal and vivid landscape perfect for photography. The vibrant hues of red and orange at sunrise or sunset create mesmerizing scenes that are as photogenic as they are rare. This experience is not just about viewing the beauty but immersing yourself in it, as the soft sands invite you to climb, explore, and even sandboard down their vast, undulating surfaces. Each moment spent in this part of Africa encapsulates a blend of thrill and tranquility, making it a must-visit for anyone seeking to discover the continent’s majestic natural wonders.

9. Navigate the Nile River, Egypt

Navigate the Nile River, Egypt
Navigate the Nile River, Egypt –

Navigating the Nile River by cruise is truly one of the quintessential things to do in Africa, offering a serene and picturesque journey through the heart of Egypt. As you float down this historic waterway, you are treated to views of lush riverbanks, ancient temples, and bustling life along the river’s edge. This relaxing voyage not only allows you to immerse yourself in the tranquility of the flowing waters but also connects you to the myriad of ancient landscapes and historic sites that line its shores. From the majestic Temple of Karnak in Luxor to the enigmatic Sphinx of Giza, a Nile cruise offers a unique vantage point to experience the enduring legacies of Egyptian civilization. It’s an enchanting way to experience the rich history and scenic beauty that make Egypt a top destination for travelers seeking authentic things to do in Africa.

Read more: Nile River Cruise – Discovering Top 15 Amazing Egypt’s Historic Waterway

10. Discover the Ancient City of Carthage, Tunisia

Exploring the ancient city of Carthage in Tunisia is undoubtedly one of the most captivating things to do in Africa for both history buffs and casual tourists. Once a thriving hub of the ancient Phoenician and later Roman empires, the ruins of Carthage offer a profound glimpse into the past. Walking through its remnants, visitors can almost hear the echoes of chariots and see the shadows of the great warriors and politicians who shaped the course of Mediterranean history. From the majestic Roman Villas to the hauntingly beautiful Tophet, Carthage provides an unparalleled journey through time, making it an essential destination for anyone interested in the rich tapestry of human history. This exploration is not just a tour; it’s an immersive experience that paints a vivid picture of ancient grandeur and decline, making it a unique things to do in Africa.

11. Dive the Red Sea Coral Reef, Egypt

Embarking on a diving expedition in the Red Sea is one of the most mesmerizing things to do in Africa. Known for its crystal-clear waters and vibrant coral reefs, the Red Sea offers divers a magical underwater landscape teeming with a diverse range of marine life. From colorful coral gardens to schools of exotic fish, every dive reveals something spectacular. This region isn’t just a dive site; it’s a gateway to exploring an underwater paradise that promises an unparalleled aquatic adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned diver or a beginner, diving here transcends a typical oceanic experience—it’s a profound exploration of nature’s underwater marvels.

12. Experience the Markets of Marrakech, Morocco

Experiencing the markets of Marrakech is undoubtedly one of the most sensory-rich things to do in Africa. As you wander through the labyrinthine souks, you are enveloped in a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors, exotic scents, and the lively chatter of traders and buyers. Each turn introduces a new array of handmade crafts, aromatic spices, and intricately designed textiles. This bustling marketplace not only offers a glimpse into the traditional Moroccan life but also provides an unparalleled opportunity to engage directly with the rich cultural tapestry that makes Marrakech unique. Immersing yourself in this vibrant market scene is more than just a shopping trip; it’s a profound cultural experience that connects you to the heart of Moroccan heritage and hospitality.

13. Walk Through the Apartheid Museum, South Africa

Walking through the Apartheid Museum in South Africa stands out as one of the most profound things to do in Africa. This museum offers a deeply moving experience, vividly narrating the story of a nation’s era of segregation and the resilient struggle for freedom that followed. As visitors move between the emotionally charged exhibits, they gain a comprehensive understanding of the impact of apartheid, making it a crucial educational journey. Engaging with this part of South African history not only educates but also fosters a deeper appreciation for the rights and freedoms often taken for granted today. It’s an essential visit for anyone looking to grasp the complexities of South Africa’s past and the ongoing journey towards healing and unity.

14. Bird Watching in Lake Nakuru, Kenya

Bird Watching in Lake Nakuru, Kenya, is an exceptional highlight for anyone compiling a list of must-see things to do in Africa. Nestled in the heart of Kenya, Lake Nakuru National Park offers a spectacular display of nature with its vast populations of vibrant pink flamingos and over 400 other bird species, making it a paradise for ornithologists and casual bird watchers alike. The sight of millions of flamingos gathering on the shimmering lake is truly one of the most iconic and picturesque things to do in Africa. Whether you’re an avid birdwatcher equipped with binoculars and a spotting scope, or a traveler seeking serene natural beauty, Lake Nakuru provides a breathtaking backdrop to observe and appreciate one of nature’s most colorful spectacles.

15. Go Island Hopping in the Seychelles

Exploring the pristine islands of the Seychelles ranks among the most enchanting things to do in Africa. This dreamy archipelago is scattered like jewels across the Indian Ocean, boasting some of the best beaches you’ll ever see, with powdery sands and crystal-clear waters inviting endless days of relaxation and water sports. Island hopping here allows you to discover unique ecosystems and vibrant coral reefs, providing a serene escape from the world. Whether you’re sunbathing on Anse Source D’Argent on La Digue, snorkeling around Praslin, or simply enjoying the solitude of a secluded cove on Mahe, each moment in the Seychelles highlights why it’s considered a top thing to do in Africa.

16. Explore the Rock-Hewn Churches of Lalibela, Ethiopia

Exploring the rock-hewn churches of Lalibela in Ethiopia is undoubtedly one of the most profound things to do in Africa. Carved directly into the bedrock, these 12th-century churches are not only architectural marvels but also a living testament to Ethiopia’s rich spiritual history. Designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site, Lalibela offers a glimpse into a unique form of religious architecture that is deeply intertwined with the identities and beliefs of its people. Whether you are an avid historian, an architecture enthusiast, or simply a traveler in search of the world’s hidden wonders, Lalibela’s churches provide an unparalleled exploration opportunity. This sacred site, often referred to as the “New Jerusalem,” invites visitors to step back in time and experience a cornerstone of Ethiopian culture, making it a captivating and essential thing to do in Africa.

17. Things to Do in Africa: See the Lemurs of Madagascar

Exploring Madagascar’s lush landscapes to see the island’s iconic lemurs is one of the most enchanting things to do in Africa. These fascinating creatures, found nowhere else on Earth, embody the unique biodiversity of the region. Whether you’re trekking through the dense rainforests of Andasibe or quietly watching the playful antics of ring-tailed lemurs in Berenty, the experience is magical. Observing lemurs in their natural habitat not only offers a delightful adventure but also highlights the importance of conservation efforts to preserve these endearing and endangered species. This activity truly stands out as a must-do for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers exploring Africa.

18. Canoe Through the Okavango Delta, Botswana

One of the most serene and adventurous things to do in Africa is canoeing through the lush waterways of the Okavango Delta in Botswana. This expansive inland delta is renowned for its breathtaking scenery and abundant wildlife, which you can observe from the unique vantage point of a traditional mokoro canoe. As you glide silently across the water, you’ll find yourself in close proximity to a diverse array of animals from majestic elephants bathing at the water’s edge to elusive leopards lurking in the underbrush. The delta’s complex ecosystem also supports an incredible variety of birds, making it a paradise for birdwatchers. Canoeing here offers not just a journey through nature, but a peaceful retreat into the heart of Africa’s untouched landscapes, making it a quintessential experience for any traveler seeking the true essence of the continent.

19. Visit the Slave Castles of Ghana

Touring the historic slave castles of Ghana offers a poignant and profound experience, making it one of the most impactful things to do in Africa. As you walk through the somber dungeons and stand before the “Door of No Return,” you are transported back to a time when these castles were pivotal in the transatlantic slave trade. This visit not only provides a stark reminder of the atrocities committed but also serves as a tribute to the resilience and spirit of the African people. Exploring these castles allows travelers to connect deeply with African history, making it an essential and unforgettable item on any African travel itinerary.

20. Wander Through the Blue City of Chefchaouen, Morocco

Nestled in the Rif Mountains of Morocco, Chefchaouen is a visual delight with its blue-painted streets and buildings that seem to wash the city in tranquility and charm. Exploring this unique destination is undoubtedly one of the most serene things to do in Africa. As you wander through its calm, cobblestoned streets, every corner and alley offers a perfect, photogenic backdrop that beckons to be captured. The city’s striking blue hues are said to symbolize the sky and heavens, providing a peaceful escape and a sense of spiritual calmness. Whether you’re a photographer, a culture enthusiast, or simply a traveler seeking peace, Chefchaouen serves as a picturesque retreat, making it a must-visit on any African itinerary.

21. Attend the Gerewol Festival, Chad

Attending the Gerewol Festival in Chad presents an extraordinary opportunity to dive into one of the most unique cultural spectacles on the continent. This annual festival is not just a gathering but a vibrant display of tradition, beauty, and social exchange among the Wodaabe Fula people. Witnessing this traditional male beauty pageant, where men adorn themselves in elaborate costumes and makeup to compete for the attention of marriageable women, is undoubtedly one of the most culturally fascinating things to do in Africa. The festival not only showcases the physical beauty and endurance of the participants but also serves as a profound expression of social norms, values, and the deep-rooted heritage of the Wodaabe. Engaging with this event provides insights into the intricate social fabric of the Fula people and offers a rare glimpse into their enduring traditions, making it a must-see for any culturally curious traveler exploring Africa.

22. Visit the Omo Valley Tribes, Ethiopia

Exploring the Omo Valley in Ethiopia stands out as a profoundly enlightening experience, making it one of the most unique things to do in Africa. This region is home to several tribes, each with their own distinct cultural heritage and customs that have survived the modern age. By visiting the Omo Valley, travelers gain insight into lifestyles that are both ancient and remarkably different from their own. From the vibrant body art of the Karo tribe to the intricate lip plates of the Mursi, the tribes of Omo offer a window into human diversity and creativity. Engaging with these communities not only enriches understanding but also supports local traditions, making it a must-do for those seeking to embrace the full spectrum of what Africa has to offer.

23. Take a Balloon Safari Over the Masai Mara, Kenya

Taking a hot air balloon safari over the Masai Mara in Kenya ranks as one of the most exhilarating things to do in Africa. As you glide silently above the vast savannah at dawn, the world below awakens with the sounds and sights of its diverse wildlife. From this unique vantage point, you can witness herds of wildebeest traversing the plains, lions stalking their prey, and elephants moving majestically towards their morning watering holes. The breathtaking panorama of the Masai Mara, coupled with the golden sunrise illuminating the landscape, offers an unparalleled photographic and experiential opportunity. This adventure not only provides an unforgettable aerial view but also an intimate appreciation of the natural beauty and rhythm of African wildlife, making it a must-do for any traveler seeking the essence of Africa.

24. Explore the Ancient Kingdom of Kush, Sudan

Exploring the ancient Kingdom of Kush in Sudan is one of the most enriching historical things to do in Africa. Nestled along the Nile River, these awe-inspiring ruins provide a captivating window into a powerful civilization that flourished thousands of years ago and stood as a formidable rival to ancient Egypt. As you walk among the weathered stone relics and towering pyramids, you’ll uncover the rich history and enduring legacy of a culture that greatly influenced the region. This adventure not only broadens your historical horizon but also immerses you in the stark, majestic landscapes of Sudan, making it a truly unique and memorable experience among the many things to do in Africa.

25. Surf the Waves in Taghazout, Morocco

If you’re looking for exhilarating things to do in Africa, surfing the waves in Taghazout, Morocco, should be at the top of your list. Renowned as one of Africa’s premier surfing destinations, Taghazout boasts excellent waves that attract surfers from around the world. The village’s laid-back vibe complements the thrilling surfing experience, making it a perfect retreat for those looking to ride the waves in a serene environment. Whether you are a seasoned surfer or a beginner eager to catch your first wave, Taghazout offers a refreshing and vibrant surfing scene that epitomizes the adventurous spirit of things to do in Africa.

26. Visit the Elephants at Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa

One of the most remarkable things to do in Africa is to visit the elephants at Addo Elephant National Park in South Africa. Nestled in the Eastern Cape province, this park is renowned for sheltering one of the densest African elephant populations on the planet. Observing these majestic creatures roam freely in their natural habitat offers not only a unique wildlife experience but also an educational journey into the conservation efforts that have helped stabilize their population. Whether you’re a seasoned wildlife enthusiast or a casual tourist, spending a day amongst these gentle giants is an unforgettable thing to do in Africa and a highlight of any South African adventure.

27. Hike Through the Drakensberg Mountains, South Africa

Exploring the Drakensberg Mountains in South Africa ranks high on the list of thrilling things to do in Africa, especially for those who cherish the outdoors. These majestic mountains are not just a backdrop for adventure but a playground for nature enthusiasts and hikers alike. With some of the continent’s most picturesque hiking trails, the Drakensberg invites explorers to traverse its rugged terrains, where every turn reveals breathtaking vistas and lush valleys. Whether you’re scaling the peaks to catch a sunrise or meandering through verdant landscapes, hiking here encapsulates the essence of adventure and natural beauty—a truly spectacular thing to do in Africa.

28. Discover the Historical Sites of Timbuktu, Mali

Exploring the historical sites of Timbuktu, Mali offers a unique blend of adventure and deep historical insight, making it a compelling choice among the many things to do in Africa. Once a flourishing hub of Islamic learning and culture in the 15th and 16th centuries, Timbuktu is home to three grand mosques—Djingareyber, Sankore, and Sidi Yahya—which stand as testaments to its scholarly past. Wander through the dusty streets where scholars once exchanged ideas and manuscripts, some of which are preserved in family libraries, providing a rare glimpse into the intellectual wealth that characterized this legendary city. Visiting Timbuktu, a UNESCO World Heritage site enveloped by the sweeping sands of the Sahara, is not just a travel experience but a journey back in time, where every corner tells the story of a golden age of education and exchange in Africa.

29. Things to Do in Africa: Snorkel Around the Bazaruto Archipelago, Mozambique

One of the most serene and visually stunning things to do in Africa is to snorkel around the Bazaruto Archipelago in Mozambique. This breathtaking cluster of islands is not only famed for its powdery, white-sand beaches but also for its crystal-clear waters and vibrant marine life, making it a snorkeler’s paradise. The underwater world here teems with colorful coral gardens and a diverse array of tropical fish, offering a tranquil escape into nature’s beauty. Engaging in this activity not only relaxes the mind but also allows for an intimate connection with the ocean’s enchanting ecosystem. Whether you’re a seasoned snorkeler or a beginner, exploring the aquatic wonders of the Bazaruto Archipelago is undoubtedly a captivating and beautiful thing to do in Africa.

30. Attend the Cape Town Jazz Festival, South Africa

Things to Do in Cape Town - Top Attractions in South Africa’s Mother City
Things to Do in Cape Town – Top Attractions in South Africa’s Mother City –

Attending the Cape Town Jazz Festival is undoubtedly one of the most melodious things to do in Africa. Held annually in South Africa’s scenic coastal city, this festival draws jazz enthusiasts from around the globe, eager to revel in its vibrant atmosphere and eclectic musical lineup. The event not only showcases world-renowned jazz musicians but also offers a platform for up-and-coming artists, making it a cultural highlight and a must-visit for anyone looking to experience the rich musical heritage of the continent. Whether you’re a die-hard jazz fan or simply someone who appreciates good music and lively celebrations, the Cape Town Jazz Festival stands out as a premier event and one of the most enjoyable things to do in Africa.

Read more: Things to Do in Cape Town – Top 12 Best Attractions in South Africa’s Mother City

31. Explore the Sahara Desert on a Camel, Morocco

Embarking on a camel trek through the vast expanses of the Sahara Desert in Morocco is not just a journey; it’s a gateway to a timeless adventure that is quintessentially African. This iconic excursion allows you to experience the serene beauty of one of the world’s largest deserts in the most traditional way possible. As you traverse the endless sea of sand dunes, the tranquility and the stunning landscape provide a perfect backdrop for reflection and appreciation of nature’s wonders. A camel trek is a must-do for any traveler looking to engage with the soul of Morocco and stands out as a pivotal thing to do in Africa, offering an unforgettable blend of adventure, culture, and photographic opportunities.

32. Visit the Genocide Memorial in Kigali, Rwanda

Visiting the Genocide Memorial in Kigali, Rwanda, is not just a journey through the corridors of history, but a profound lesson in humanity and reconciliation. Among the poignant things to do in Africa, this memorial stands out as a significant testament to the tragic events of 1994, where over a million lives were lost in the Rwandan genocide. Walking through the well-preserved exhibits, you encounter personal stories, photographs, and artifacts that offer a sobering look at the horrors faced by the victims and the resilience of a nation striving for peace and unity. It serves as a crucial reminder of the dark chapters of human history and underscores the importance of peace and tolerance.

33. Experience Traditional Maasai Life, Kenya/Tanzania

Exploring the rich and vibrant culture of the Maasai is undoubtedly one of the most profound things to do in Africa. Nestled in the heartlands of Kenya and Tanzania, the Maasai communities welcome travelers into their daily lives, offering a unique glimpse into their enduring traditions and social structures. As you partake in activities like traditional dances, witness their renowned jumping ceremonies, and learn about their symbiotic relationship with the land and livestock, you gain invaluable insights into a way of life that has withstood the test of time. This immersive experience not only enriches your understanding but also connects you deeply with the spirit and heritage of Africa. Whether you’re helping to build a Manyatta (a traditional hut) or sitting around a campfire listening to ancient folk tales, spending time with the Maasai is an educational and unforgettable thing to do in Africa.

34. Dive with Great White Sharks, South Africa

For the ultimate adrenaline rush, diving with Great White Sharks in South Africa stands out as one of the most thrilling things to do in Africa. This unique experience allows you to safely observe these magnificent predators up close from the security of a cage submerged in the crystal-clear waters off the South African coast. As you watch these majestic creatures glide serenely through their natural habitat, you gain not only a profound respect for their role in the marine ecosystem but also a heart-pounding experience that is unmatched. Perfect for adventure seekers and wildlife enthusiasts alike, cage diving with Great White Sharks offers a rare and exhilarating opportunity to witness one of nature’s most impressive predators in action.

35. Explore the Kasbahs of Morocco

Touring the ancient kasbahs of Morocco is one of the most visually stunning and historically rich things to do in Africa. These fortified cities stand as silent sentinels of Morocco’s past, from the rugged Atlas Mountains to the windswept sands of the Sahara. Each kasbah tells a story of trade, conquest, and daily life, woven into the very fabric of their high earthen walls and ornate gateways. As you wander through these architectural marvels, you not only trace the contours of Moroccan history but also experience a living museum where past and present converge. For anyone with a penchant for architecture or history, exploring Morocco’s kasbahs is an unparalleled adventure, offering deep insights and spectacular views that connect you to the heart of North African culture.

36. Visit the Historic Slave Market Site in Stone Town, Zanzibar

Exploring the historic slave market site in Stone Town, Zanzibar, is a profound journey into the heart of the island’s dark history and a crucial item on the list of things to do in Africa. Once a bustling marketplace, this site now stands as a somber reminder of human cruelty and resilience. A visit here is not just about witnessing the remnants of the slave chambers or the poignant sculptures that capture the anguish of the captives, but it’s also an educational experience that challenges visitors to reflect on history’s impacts. Including this visit in your travel plans is more than a mere itinerary addition; it’s a deeply moving, thought-provoking thing to do in Africa that offers a chance to honor the memory of those who suffered through these unimaginable conditions.

37. Go Sandboarding in the Namib Desert, Namibia

One of the most exhilarating things to do in Africa is sandboarding down the immense dunes of the Namib Desert in Namibia. This thrilling activity offers adventurers the unique opportunity to glide across the world’s oldest desert, combining the adrenaline rush of snowboarding with the stunning, sun-soaked landscapes unique to Africa. As you strap on your board and descend the towering sand dunes, you’re not just enjoying a sport; you’re immersing yourself in a breathtaking natural environment that is both challenging and rewarding. Whether you’re an experienced boarder or a curious first-timer, sandboarding in Namibia promises a fun and memorable experience, making it a must-try for anyone visiting this spectacular part of the continent.

38. Explore the Medina of Tunis, Tunisia

Exploring the Medina of Tunis is an enchanting journey into the heart of Tunisian culture and one of the most authentic things to do in Africa. As you meander through the labyrinthine narrow alleys, you’re surrounded by the vibrant energy of bustling souks, where artisans sell everything from intricate silver jewelry to hand-woven textiles. The scents of jasmine and spices fill the air, mingling with the aroma of fresh pastries and strong coffee from local cafés. This historic market area not only offers a glimpse into the traditional Tunisian way of life but also serves as a vibrant testament to the enduring spirit of the Tunisian people. Venturing into the Medina of Tunis is not just a shopping experience; it’s a deep dive into the soul of the city, making it a quintessential thing to do in Africa for any traveler seeking to fully immerse themselves in local culture.

39. Visit the Ruins of Great Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

Exploring the ancient ruins of Great Zimbabwe, a sprawling stone city that once served as the capital of the Kingdom of Zimbabwe during the Late Iron Age, is an enchanting and educational thing to do in Africa. As you wander through the majestic walls and tumbled towers, you’re walking the same paths as a flourishing civilization from the 11th to 15th centuries. This UNESCO World Heritage Site offers not just a glimpse into an ancient African culture, but also a chance to ponder the engineering prowess and social organization of a time long past. Unraveling the mysteries of Great Zimbabwe is among the most intriguing things to do in Africa, providing both a tangible connection to history and a profound appreciation for the continent’s rich heritage.

40. Kayak Alongside Hippos and Crocodiles in St. Lucia, South Africa

Kayaking alongside hippos and crocodiles in St. Lucia, South Africa, stands out as one of the most exhilarating things to do in Africa. This unique activity immerses you in the heart of wildlife action, allowing you to glide through the waters just meters away from these majestic creatures. It’s not only a thrilling adventure but also an opportunity to observe these animals in their natural habitat, providing an intimate glimpse into the daily life of Africa’s river giants. Engaging in this activity, you’ll gain a new appreciation for the raw beauty and untamed wilderness of the African continent, making it a must-do for any wildlife enthusiast or adventurous traveler.

41. Things to Do in Africa: See the Traditional Fishing Boats in Ngor, Senegal

Exploring the charming fishing village of Ngor in Senegal offers a vibrant glimpse into traditional life, making it one of the most picturesque things to do in Africa. The highlight of your visit will be the sight of brightly colored pirogues, the traditional fishing boats, which are not only essential to the local livelihood but also a feast for the eyes. These hand-painted boats, adorned with intricate designs, float gracefully along the crystal-clear waters, providing a perfect backdrop for photographers and culture enthusiasts alike. A visit to Ngor is a journey into the heart of Senegal’s maritime culture, offering insights into the daily lives of the fishermen and the rhythmic beauty that defines this coastal community.

42. Tour the Coffee Plantations of Ethiopia

One of the most aromatic and enlightening things to do in Africa is to tour the coffee plantations of Ethiopia, the legendary birthplace of coffee. Here, you can immerse yourself in the entire coffee-making process, from the cultivation of beans on lush, verdant slopes to their harvest and the traditional roasting ceremonies. The experience isn’t just about tasting the freshest cups of coffee but also about understanding the rich cultural heritage that surrounds Ethiopian coffee. It’s a journey through small villages and ancient practices, where you can interact with local farmers and learn about the deep ties between their lives and the coffee they produce. This makes touring Ethiopia’s coffee plantations a must-do for both coffee enthusiasts and cultural explorers.

43. Attend the Festival of the Desert in Mali

Attending the Festival of the Desert in Mali is one of the most captivating things to do in Africa for those seeking a profound cultural immersion. This extraordinary event unfolds in the expansive Sahara Desert, where the vibrant traditions and music of the Tuareg people take center stage. Celebrated for its intimate concerts and rich cultural exchanges, the festival attracts visitors from around the world who are eager to experience the unique rhythms and melodies of Tuareg music, along with their dance, poetry, and crafts. This is a remarkable opportunity to dive deep into the heritage of a nomadic civilization, making it a must-do for anyone passionate about exploring the diverse cultural landscapes of Africa.

44. Explore the Island of Gorée, Senegal

Exploring the Island of Gorée in Senegal is one of the most profound things to do in Africa. This small island, accessible by a short ferry ride from Dakar, holds a poignant place in world history as a major site in the Atlantic slave trade. A visit to Gorée offers a deeply moving experience as you walk through the House of Slaves, the most famous landmark here, with its “Door of No Return,” a passageway through which millions of enslaved Africans passed on their way to the New World. The island’s serene beauty, characterized by its colorful colonial architecture and tranquil streets, stands in stark contrast to its somber history. Exploring Gorée provides not just a historical education but a meaningful reflection on the resilience and spirit of the human soul, making it a significant thing to do in Africa.

45. See the Baobab Trees of Madagascar

Madagascar’s landscape is adorned with the majestic Baobab trees, ancient giants that have stood the test of time. Visiting these impressive trees is not just a sightseeing activity but a journey into the heart of nature’s own art gallery. Each Baobab, with its massive trunk and sprawling branches, tells a story of resilience and beauty, making it an essential and awe-inspiring thing to do in Africa. Whether you’re capturing their silhouettes against the sunset or simply marveling at their grandeur during a daytime trek, the Baobab trees of Madagascar offer a unique encounter with one of the world’s most spectacular natural wonders.

46. Things to Do in Africa: Take a Historical Tour of Freetown, Sierra Leone

Taking a historical tour of Freetown, Sierra Leone, is one of the most enriching things to do in Africa. This vibrant city, with its deep historical roots, offers visitors a profound glimpse into its past, especially through its freed slave settlements. Walking through the historic sites, you can feel the echoes of resilience and hope that defined the journey of freed slaves who settled here. The Cotton Tree, a symbol of freedom, and the King’s Yard Gate, where freed Africans first stepped onto land, are poignant reminders of this city’s unique heritage. Exploring Freetown is not only a cultural experience but also an educational journey that highlights an important chapter in African and world history.

47. Go Whitewater Rafting on the Zambezi River, Zambia/Zimbabwe

Zambezi River Rafting , Zambia - Zimbabwe
Zambezi River Rafting , Zambia – Zimbabwe –

Whitewater rafting on the Zambezi River is one of the most exhilarating water sports experiences you can have on the continent. The powerful currents and dramatic rapids create an adrenaline-pumping adventure that draws thrill-seekers from around the world. Whether you’re navigating the intense turbulence of Batoka Gorge or enjoying the stunning scenery along calmer stretches, whitewater rafting on the Zambezi offers a unique blend of excitement and natural beauty. As one of the top things to do in Africa, this activity provides an unforgettable encounter with the raw power of nature, making it a must for any adventure enthusiast visiting Zambia or Zimbabwe.

Read more: Top 50 Thrilling White Water Rafting in 2024

48. Visit the Quirimbas Archipelago, Mozambique

The Quirimbas Archipelago, located off the northern coast of Mozambique, is a hidden gem that offers some of the most breathtakingly beautiful things to do in Africa. This stunning archipelago is composed of untouched coral islands, pristine beaches, and vibrant marine life, making it a paradise for divers. The waters around the islands are teeming with colorful coral reefs and exotic fish, providing an underwater spectacle that is unmatched. Additionally, history enthusiasts will find the Quirimbas Archipelago fascinating, as it is home to historic ruins and remnants of ancient civilizations that tell the tales of the past. Exploring these islands allows travelers to experience a perfect blend of natural beauty and historical intrigue, making a visit to the Quirimbas Archipelago an unforgettable addition to any list of things to do in Africa.

49. Experience the Nightlife of Lagos, Nigeria

Experiencing the vibrant and energetic nightlife of Lagos is a must-do for visitors looking for fun and entertainment. It’s one of the most exciting things to do in Africa, offering a unique blend of modernity and tradition. From the bustling streets of Victoria Island to the eclectic clubs in Ikeja, Lagos comes alive after dark with pulsating music, dazzling lights, and an electrifying atmosphere. Trendy bars, live music venues, and rooftop lounges provide endless options for a memorable night out. Whether you’re dancing to Afrobeats at a popular nightclub or enjoying a laid-back evening at a beachside bar, the nightlife in Lagos showcases the city’s dynamic spirit and cultural richness, making it an essential experience on any African itinerary.

50. Things to Do in Africa: Climb the Atlas Mountains, Morocco

Climbing the Atlas Mountains in Morocco is one of the most breathtaking things to do in Africa. This majestic mountain range offers stunning views that stretch across diverse landscapes, from verdant valleys to rugged peaks. Trekking through the Atlas Mountains is not only visually rewarding but also provides a challenging adventure for outdoor enthusiasts. The trails vary in difficulty, catering to both novice hikers and seasoned climbers. Along the way, you’ll encounter traditional Berber villages, where the hospitality of the local people adds a cultural richness to the journey. For anyone seeking a blend of natural beauty and cultural immersion, climbing the Atlas Mountains is a must-do on the list of things to do in Africa.

Summing up of Top 50 Things to Do in Africa

In conclusion, exploring the “Top 50 Things to Do in Africa” offers a diverse and rich tapestry of experiences that cater to every type of traveler. From the ancient marvels of the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt to the breathtaking safari adventures in the Serengeti, Tanzania, and the challenging climb of Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa presents a unique blend of history, adventure, and natural beauty. Visiting iconic sites like Victoria Falls in Zambia and Zimbabwe, relaxing on the pristine beaches of Zanzibar, Tanzania, and touring the lush Winelands of South Africa are just a few examples of the extraordinary things to do in Africa that will leave travelers with unforgettable memories.

Additionally, Africa’s cultural and natural wonders offer even more incredible experiences. Trekking to see the majestic mountain gorillas in Rwanda, exploring the stunning dunes of Namibia, navigating the historic Nile River in Egypt, and discovering the ancient city of Carthage in Tunisia provide a glimpse into the continent’s rich heritage and diverse landscapes. Whether diving the vibrant Red Sea coral reef, wandering through the bustling markets of Marrakech, Morocco, or bird watching at Lake Nakuru in Kenya, there is no shortage of remarkable things to do in Africa that captivate and inspire. This guide underscores the continent’s unparalleled ability to offer a wide array of adventures, ensuring every traveler finds their perfect African experience.
